For the lease is not a headache!
Sometimes the owners are willing not to register the contracts to avoid taxation on the same, However it lacks high potential hazards, namely:
1.1. Verbally can match the tenant does not register the contract but this can always, for your benefit, put on your IRS the cost of rents, simply proof of transfer or copy of the contract, ficando o proprietário exposto ao fisco.
1.2. Failure to register the lease decreases the effectiveness of the legal owner position, namely, the player may not appeal to lease the counter.
1.3. O fisco tem instruções para acompanhar os contratos de serviços conexos aos imóveis (electricity, gas, etc.) whenever they are not the owners, or that they have several contracts on their behalf, this information can be confronted with your tax return.
1.4. There is no advantage. Actually, when the tax authority detects irregularities, the consequences are always much more difficult than if it had carried on a regular basis.
Often owners think that by signing a lease, which states that the tenant has to treat such contracts, are automatically rested on them.
However, the reality is not so linear, and there are numerous examples of owners who had problems to get back to services in their properties, after misuses the previous tenants.
Ensure that contracts are to effectively behalf of tenants. Evil happens suppliers of services, if the contract holder has an abusive behavior, have to go to account to the tenant and the owner never.
Hire a lease management professional to assure this situation.
All owners are subject to this possibility. The important thing is to act diligently for this to be avoided and when you can not have a strong attitude to resolve the matter, with as soon as possible.
The owners when they are confronted with these situations tend to delay the actions to be taken in the expectation that the problem is resolved. Sometimes turn out to be involved in personal and social dramas, not being them end up affecting your income and family assets.
Hire a lease management professional who does not pessoaliza the process, avoiding the wear and tear of these situation and ensures the whole structure involved in solving the problem in the most efficient and impartial as possible.
There are anomalies in the property that depend on the condo resolutions (Damp, infiltration, etc), of which unfortunately often the apartment owners do not want to invest in problems that do not touch them directly, leaving drag situations indefinitely, with the result that sometimes the meetings are tense and have to have a more professional monitoring and legal.
On the other hand, increasingly lacking condominium meetings where they decide joint works, is not to protect you from bad decisions taken by management, particularly with large budgets and poorly made, but is being supportive to pay!
Avoid these situations and anticipates addressing these problems by hiring a professional team lease management.
How many times no problems arise, small or large, affecting your property and force him to spend a lot of time, to make a series of visits for various budgets, and in the end the problem is unresolved and have that feeling too paid for the service?
Again the solution is to hire a lease that with its partners management company has a lot of experience and economies of scale can quickly the best estimates, for its decision, with quality assurance and effective resolution of the problem.
When a problem arises in your property have to understand who is responsible: – Owner; Tenant; condo.
If it is your responsibility should trigger insurance, yes or no?
If triggers the insurance will trigger a bureaucratic process that requires willingness to treat.
If you are the triggers condo insurance, yes or no? Need extraordinary meeting of apartment owners, yes or no? You can find compromise solutions to monetize the property, yes or no?
If it is the responsibility of the tenant, can he run the intervention, yes or no? If, the consequences?
Ultimately, as can be seen is a process that requires time and expertise, and to ensure their interests it is best to hire a lease management company.
In many situations there is a tension between your tenant and the condo (from: noises, daily living, use of common areas, etc.). It is very unpleasant for the owner, that sometimes even knows some elements of the condominium, be dealing with these situations. It's uncomfortable to be taking positions between the parties.
We must invest time in going to the site and see what happens, talk with the various parties involved, try to seek consensus to allow the continuation of the lease. Be diplomatic and firm at the same time. Trust a professional so that everything goes for the best.
If the property is a few months on the market without being placed, have to understand the reason and seek the solution. Usually the properties are not placed for the following reasons:
- The leasing price is inappropriate given the current market value – If the property is too expensive for your specific situation localization vs conservation status, it is natural that the tenants powers opt for other solutions, which means that your property be for rent.
- Bad Property disclosure – without recourse to good people that expose your property efficiently to the market may be losing opportunity to monetize your property.
- Small arrangements and adjustments that the property needs. If the owner does not want to invest in that it can bring you consequences in terms of much higher income to the cost of these interventions. It is preferable to that assistance or you run the risk of not putting the property for lease and, like this, lose income.
- Owner unavailability to address various issues and not giving them the professionals to do, namely, views, document analysis, Cleaning and Property preparation for placement, etc.
How do I analyze the potential tenant is the most correct? The initial correct choice of tenant significantly reduces the likelihood of future problems.
The owner has to know how to analyze the tenant through their personal documents (Identification documents, IRS, Professional status, added family, etc.)
It should not be afraid to ask any questions that you think relevant, same as it considers some drawbacks. The more information you have the better to make the decision.
Usually tenants "healthy" have no problem providing the basic information needed.
Be picky but do not be too perfectionist but may depart good tenants. The "spice" of the analysis comes with experience, as such refer to a rental manager.
Often the owners are only confronted with the idea that the tenant was not very responsible upon vacating the rented premises. Not always a tenant to pay on time can be considered a great tenant for, sometimes, degrade the properties more than would be expected, with excessive maintenance costs for owners.
The solution to minimize this problem is to put in the lease agreement the possibility of visits to the property and effectively make them periodically, to go evaluating the proper use of it. You do not see doing this? We can do for you. That's why there are rental management companies!