5 Mistakes to Avoid in the lease


Put your property available to rent may seem a little complicated. As a matter of fact, not have to be complicated. As is landlord or become a. Just has always present, among others, the legal requirements.

After making the decision to rent your property and found potential buyers, it is time to think of the lease.

We help you avoid troubles, identifying some mistakes made:

1. Not to register the contract in Finance, and not state in personal income tax the rental income

It is a mistake that some owners make, the belief trying to overcome bureaucratic aspects and tax savings. But in reality are only to unlock and to be exposed to fines and penalties by the IRS. In case of potential disputes between the parties, for example when the contract is not fulfilled, conflict resolution is compromised.

2. Little careful analysis of the documentation of potential tenants

Sometimes the rush to put your property on the market and the need to begin to monetize it makes the documentation submitted, as well as their respective collateral, are not analyzed correctly. It is important to realize with all the rigor and attention to capacity of potential tenants comply with the lease. This initial careful analysis will substantially reduce future risks.

3. Not guarantee that the services relating to the property effectively change holders

(water, electricity, gas and telecommunications)

Neglecting this point can get you into trouble in the future, if such contracts are not met.

4. No inventory, photo of the registration feature and not issue a description of delivery of self

You should make a list, an inventory, for example, been das walls, ceilings, floors, etc.
The implementation of the following guarantees for future memory the beginning of the relationship, defining responsibilities and reducing uncertainties in the event of future conflicts.

5. Existence of unfair and illegal clauses in the contract

May cause nullity, creating unnecessary legal uncertainty. There are limits that should not be exceeded. A lease insurance, SIM, always, but never abusive.

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