Trading process
1. The Landlord has a value to the tenant and proposed contract duration.
2. The Tenant has 30 days to respond:
accepts proposal
– Income is updated, contract term 5 year old
Does not accept proposal
– Ends the contract, does not accept income. income is not updated. But have no right to compensation. There Are 3 months to vacate the property
Relies on financial need
– You must make gross annual income proof corrected less than five national minimum remuneration,
Mais de 65 years or disability
– Proves age or degree of disability greater than 60%. Trading update of income is made by the parties. There can be more than 1/15 the property tax value.
If the landlord accepted the value, but not the length of contract, it is considered concluded at the right term 5 year old.
If the landlord does not accept, may terminate the contract. The tenant should be indemnified for the equivalent of 5 years income equal to average value the two proposals. The tenant has between 7 and 13 months to leave the property.
If you disagree with the value, but can not pay the compensation, the landlord will have to update the income to 1/15 the balance value of the property. Consider-is or contract 5 year old.