Is it safe to rent your home?


Since safeguarded the conditions under which the lease is, security is not a problem. Make sure that makes a contract in accordance with the law (link: see models of drafts).

Rent house becomes practical to, even more these days in which the mobility of persons, the personal and professional level, for example with career changes, are more frequent.

Note the careful analysis of the tenants in particular their rate of effort, IRS and payslips. If in doubt strengthen with guarantees (guarantors, Deposits, Bank guarantees, etc).

The heavy commitment arising from a credit 30 or 40 years is something that new generations can avoid.

The most recent statistics still say that our country is predominantly owners. But some developed studies, either by the INE (National Institute of Statistics), either by LNEC (National Civil Engineering Laboratory) begin to point to the growing scenario of the rental market.

Refer to the Territorial Portrait of Portugal 2011, to INE: = INE&xpgid = ine_publicacoes&PUBLICACOESpub_boui = 153414764&PUBLICACOESmodo = 2

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